The nose will be stripped back to bare metal, because the dumb body shop "DBS" did'nt seal the new panel with primer(painted right over the black coating that's on the panel from the factory). The paint started to bubble, so it has to be removed.

Another angle
(The nose panel was aligned poorly)

Looking from the top

The small specks is the paint lifting from the panel. You can also see where the closing panel was attached( panel was not prepped correctly after welding or before painting) incorrectly. It should have been spot or plug welded in place and then the welds cleaned and prime coated.

Starting to remove the paint on the top surface. Then i will detach the panel and sand blast the areas the have surface rust and attach the proper way (according toTR7 repair manual).

Paint has been remove from top surface. Now to remove nose panel so i can plug weld holes and sandblast rusted areas that was welded and not primed coated.

Nose panel removed (showing headlight closing panels)>

Three holes to be plugged welded where the nose panel was held in place by two bolts.

Trial fit of the nose cone to repair the corner damage on the fender.